RCEs in Canada and the US are partnering on a new course: Localizing the UN Sustainable Development Goals through Education, Training and Regional Collaboration.
Registration is open until February 21, and course modules will be offered virtually, 1-3 pm SK time on February 21, March 21, April 4, April 25 and May 9. RCE Saskatchewan leaders are featured, along with many others. The course is being hosted by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
In this cohort-based course, leaders from RCE networks from the U.S. and Canada will share experiences, case studies, and lessons learned on how universities and colleges can help lead multi-stakeholder collaborations that localize and advance the SDGs in their regions.
The course will:
- Identify and connect those interested in SDG localization with peers from across the US and Canada
- Engage subject-matter experts to identify promising practices and useful resources
- Identify potential areas for additional research and development
- Share best practices.
View the 1 hour free introductory video describing the Global RCE network and the course offerings:
Universities and colleges around the world are making commitments to advance the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) through their teaching, research, operations, and partnerships. One proven model for making good on this commitment is to establish a United Nations-affiliated RCE network. RCEs – Regional Centres of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development – are regional multi-stakeholder networks, grounded in higher education, that advance the SDGs through education and training. RCEs are proliferating, with over 180 networks around the world, including 27 in the Americas.